Sunday, March 4, 2012

30 Day Photography Challenge

I have always been interested in photography.  It just seems like such a fun hobby and an easy way to be creative and to capture memories.  So....last year I bought myself a nice camera and I have since taken over 8,000 (!!!!) photos.  Mostly of D, but that's really all I wanted it for.  I plan on taking a photography class at some point this year.  But I have been inspired recently by my friend Tonya, who's wonderful husband just gifted her her dream camera and she just jumped right in!!  She started doing a 30 Day Photography Challenge and I have decided to follow in her foot steps.  Hopefully this will get me out of my camera funk (I haven't really picked up my camera in a few months) and get me to take pics I never would have thought of taken on my own.  :D

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