Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 16 - Long Exposure

Again, taken at the beach. Again, my subject would not cooperate.  I have an awesome idea for this one, but it will have to be done when the beast child is feeling helpful, hehe.

Day 15 - Silhouette

I actually took this picture while on vacation in August.  The pic I was TRYING to take was made more difficult by the fact that my 4 year old was with me, so I couldn't stay out as late as I needed to.  If I get a chance to get back out, I'll redo it.  :)

Day 14 - Eyes

This picture could be so much better.  My computer broken and that equals no access to Photoshop.  I may redo/soften this one up a bit later.

Day 13 - Myself With 13 Things

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 12 - Sunset

I have been trying for DAYS to get a good picture of the sunset, but it has been way too cloudy (how ironic).  I will have to redo this one at a later date.

Day 11 - Something Blue

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 3 - Clouds redo

The clouds finally came out for about an hour!  :D

Day 3 - Clouds

There is not a cloud in the sky today!!  I will have to retake this one at a later date.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 1 - Self Portrait

30 Day Photography Challenge

I have always been interested in photography.  It just seems like such a fun hobby and an easy way to be creative and to capture memories.  So....last year I bought myself a nice camera and I have since taken over 8,000 (!!!!) photos.  Mostly of D, but that's really all I wanted it for.  I plan on taking a photography class at some point this year.  But I have been inspired recently by my friend Tonya, who's wonderful husband just gifted her her dream camera and she just jumped right in!!  She started doing a 30 Day Photography Challenge and I have decided to follow in her foot steps.  Hopefully this will get me out of my camera funk (I haven't really picked up my camera in a few months) and get me to take pics I never would have thought of taken on my own.  :D